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Petro-Find Geochem Ltd has refocussed its activities from uranium and hydrocarbon exploration to exploration for helium reservoirs associated with natural gas,nitrogen and CO2 in the Phanerozoic. Not only has exploration for uranium been at a low ebb for several years because of a glut in supplies and a concomitant decrease in prices, exploration for hydrocarbons has been affected negatively by a combination of low demand and prices. Exploration for hydrocarbons is ongoing but increasingly this expertise is used in the hunt for helium because of its association with natural gas reservoirs. Read more...
Cost-effective soil gas surveys de-risk the exploration of oil/gas/uranium/helium at all stages of the exploration cycle from land acquisition to drilling. Why not have that second opinion, another layer of information, before making that expensive drilling decision? Soil gas surveys can reduce current costs by eliminating leases with little or no potential while pinpointing areas warranting drilling when conditions improve. Read more...
How do you attract farm-in interest for large unexplored blocks that may be too risky to undertake on your own? A modest geochemical soil gas program may be the answer. The data would be able to tell at a minimum whether there is an active petroleum system and type of reservoir (i.e. oil, condensate or gas).There would be no problem in merging this initial data with that from any follow-up geochemical surveys with the objective of pinpointing drill targets.This approach in exploring large areas - reconnaissance followed by high-density - has been used many times to narrow down the search and reduce risk.Read more...
Geochemical surveys provide a cost-effective method of finding bypassed oil and lost compartments in both mature and abandoned fields. Read more...
Soil gas surveys are ideal for cost-effective monitoring of CO2 Miscible Flooding (CO2EOR), CO2 sequestration and Enhanced Coal Bed Methane (ECBM) projects. It should be noted that inappropriate sampling methods and equipment can lead to erroneous conclusions about the provenance of any high concentrations of CO2 found in soil gas above reservoirs undergoing CO2 injection.To measure the suitability of oil reservoirs for injection and the effectiveness of storage it is important to establish baseline studies prior to injection. Read more...
Visible oil and gas seeps (macroseeps) were the major precursors of oil/gas discoveries around the world. Because no hydrocarbon reservoir seal is perfect, light hydrocarbons escape essentially in a vertical direction to the surface as invisible microseeps. The high-tech detection of microseeps in soils and their correlation with reservoirs is simply a technological extension of those older methods. Read more...
Soil gas surveys can quickly ascertain at low cost the oil and gas potential in both mature and frontier regions as well as pinpoint areas for focused exploration and follow-up drilling. Petro-Find's unique hand-portable sampling system allows access to environmentally sensitive areas, forested regions, fields in crop and difficult terrain. Petro-Find has also developed a passive sampler for surveys in wet, swampy and muskeg areas. A soil gas survey is the only feasible exploration method to evaluate large acreage blocks.Petro-Find's lab with the latest technology can offer quick turnaround on analysis of light hydrocarbons as well as CO2, helium and hydrogen. Read more...
Petro-Find welcomes proposals for overseas projects, especially for large blocks in frontier areas. One approach is to establish anomalous trends by a reconnaissance survey followed by a higher density survey to further define the aerial extent and configuration of the anomalies. Only areas with the highest potential should be followed up with seismic and drilling.A high-grade anomaly without seismic structure is usually indicative of a stratigraphic trap. Read more...
Petro-Find Geochem conducts soil gas surveys for exploration of uranium using helium and hydrogen as pathfinders. This technology is an adaptation of its proven method for exploration of hydrocarbons using light hydrocarbons as pathfinders. Read more...
Paul Lafleur, President, is a Registered Professional Engineer in Saskatchewan and is licensed to consult in the field of Geological Engineering: mineral and energy economics; application of trace hydrocarbon and fixed gas analysis of soil gas to identify and characterize the presence of hydrocarbons and minerals. Petro-Find Geochem Ltd is certified by the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan to conduct soil gas surveys for hydrocarbons and minerals. The Certificate of Authorization Number is C1406. Read more...
215 Mallin Crescent
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7K 7X3
Contact: Paul Lafleur, President
Phone: (306)931-3156 Fax: (306)931-9773
Last updated December 08, 2020